How often should you exercise for weight loss?
This is a great question?? & it varies in my opinion to where you are at in your fitness & health journey.
A lot depends on your lifestyle & what you do for work. For beginners lifting weights or any new fitness regime then it’s all about consistency & not burning out with too many sessions.
This is the key to weight loss – CONSISTENCY + LONG TERM thinking
Time & time again I see beginners say ‘I’m going to do 5-6 sessions a week, but haven’t even done 1 session yet.’
I’ll recommend 2-3 sessions a week lifting weights with some walking if you like. If a client can show me that they can do 3 sessions a week over a 5 week period then we can chat about adding more sessions in.
To lose weight you need a plan of attack with how many days you can train consistently around your lifestyle & work without burning out.
If you’re a labourer lifting all day then you might only need 2 days a week of training, due to the vigorous day of work. If you’re sitting at a desk all day you will need 5 days a week as your not using much energy at all.
Once you start training you automatically start making better decisions with food, which is ultimately the key to your weight loss.
I’ve always said it – exercise & good eating go hand in hand.
In summary you need to make long term goals around your training – not a quick fix which equals burnout.
Allow yourself at least 24 weeks of a certain exercise regime and at least 6 weeks to get your eating in order.
This way we’re setting realistic goals knowing first hand that we’re giving ourselves 24 weeks to see results not 4 weeks which a lot of people do & then quit!!
Imagine letting your kids quit there sport 4 weeks into it!! You wouldn’t let them because there committed to the team & we want them to learn patience, resilience & not to quit when it gets hard.
Weight loss will come when you actually follow a process – training & eating plan consistently.
It takes time to get both in order so don’t be hard on yourself, just improve on it every week for 24 weeks & BOOM you’ll see results.
For more information on exercise for weight loss, give me a call on 0433 298 521 or shoot me an email.
Alternatively you can contact me through Facebook.